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Man nebegalima įeiti į valdymo skydą su Firefox. Rašo tokius dalykus: „Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. Size of a request header field exceeds server limit.
Cookie: wordpress_72f870796bb8e530c219cde5de52c860=Sharkeen%7C1300708598%7C02f57a94909523660dbc1f6d20992ca5; __utma=56396905.2019987205.1253020304.1299961887.1299963843.3583; Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) Server at Port 80“
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Visų pirma tai nenaudot Mozillos, nes jos jau keletą metų neatnaujina. Naudok Firefox.
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It’s a cookie problem. Either clear your cache and delete your cookies, or go into the cookies folder and delete the cookies for that site manually.
Įtariu, kad pas tave problemos, o ne fermoje. Man tavo skydas veikia.
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